We’re Hiring

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Bar back (auxilliary):



    Tareas de apertura y cierre, barrer, trapear, limpiar ventanas, mover el inventario del sótano a detrás de la barra para los camareros, ayudar a preparar la comida, limpiar el campo de tiro, romper cajas, sacar la basura, asegurarse de que los baños estén limpios, completó listas de verificación diarias, asistió a reuniones de personal y otras tareas diversas durante su turno.

    Cualificaciones (OBLIGACIONES):

    -Debe poder llegar a tiempo y de manera confiable. Este es un puesto de servicio al cliente y se espera que usted sea MUY confiable y se presente A TIEMPO. A menudo se le programará para abrir el negocio y deberá ser confiable para que el resto del personal funcione cuando llegue.

    -Capacidad para estar activo y de pie durante un turno de 8 horas. La mayor parte de este trabajo está activo.

    Paga: $12 por hora ¡MÁS PROPINAS! El promedio total es de alrededor de $18-$20 por hora. $16 por hora están GARANTIZADOS. Todos los consejos están agrupados. El 85% va a bartenders y el 15% a barbacks. Esto se reparte entre los grupos proporcionalmente por horas trabajadas.


  1. Opening and closing duties, sweeping, moping, window cleaning, moving inventory from the basement to behind the bar for bartenders, helping to prepare food, cleaning out the throwing range, breaking down boxes, taking out the trash, ensuring the bathrooms are clean, completed daily checklists, attending staff meetings, and other miscellaneous tasks throughout your shift.

Qualifications (MUSTS):

  1. Must be able to arrive on time and reliably. This is a customer service position and you’ll be expected to be VERY reliable to show up ON-TIME. You will often be scheduled to open the business and must reliable in order for the rest of the staff to function when they arrive.

  2. Ability to be active and on your feet for an 8-ish hour shift. Most of this job is active.

Pay: $12 per hour PLUS TIPS! Total average is around $18-$20 per hour. $16 per hour is GUARENTEED. All tips are pooled. 85% goes to bartenders and 15% goes to barbacks. This is shared amongst the groups proportionally by hours worked.

Shift Manager:


  1. Taking care of minor administrative duties during your shift. This may include inventory management, greeting and supporting events, cash drawer management, customer service escalations, completing daily check lists, monitoring employees, assisting with openings/closings, monitoring for food safety and health department practices, attending staff meetings, making sure the place is kept clean and reporting things that need fixing or upkeep, and most importantly…the miscellaneous. Most of this job happens in the area of “help where ever its needed”. You will be on the floor most of your shift being proactive with bar and operational upkeep.

Qualifications (MUSTS):

  1. Must be able to arrive on time and reliably. This is a management position in customer service and you’ll be expected to be VERY reliable to show up ON-TIME.

  2. A health permit. Its great if you already have this. If not it will be something you’ll need to get within the first few weeks of starting the position.

  3. A good customer service demeanor. Usually once or twice a day you’ll need to address an escalated situation with a customer. You’ll need to be able to speak to an unhappy customer with out becoming angry and condescending. You’ll need to be able to handle escalated situations with a calm and respectful attitude.

  4. Bonus (but not at all required) : ability to speak both English and Spanish.

Pay: $20 per hour plus 1.5x overtime on occasion.



  1. Opening and closing the bar, checking inventory behind the bar and assisting in restocking before your shift, speaking to customers about the concept of the bar, explaining the rules, having customer’s sign waivers, serving customers and preparing drinks, completing daily check list, attending staff meetings, ensuring cleanliness behind the bar, making customer’s feel welcome, and miscellaneous duties during shift.

Qualifications (MUSTS):

  1. Must be able to arrive on time and reliably. This is a customer service position and you’ll be expected to be VERY reliable to show up ON-TIME.

  2. Ability to be active and on your feet for an 8-ish hour shift. Most (if not all) of this job is active.

  3. MUST have a good customer service demeanor. Be naturally welcoming and friendly. Must have ability to de-escalate an upset customer with out becoming condescending or angry.

Pay: $10.65 per hour PLUS TIPS! Total average is around $40-$45 per hour. $16 per hour is GUARENTEED. All tips are pooled. 85% goes to bartenders and 15% goes to barbacks. This is shared amongst the groups proportionally by hours worked.